Installing Dionex Devices
UltiMate 3000 Series NCP-3200RS and NCS-3500RS: Installation


Device Type:

Nano/Cap pump (NCP-3200RS) and

Nano/Cap system (NCS-3500RS) for UHPLC applications

Device Driver:

Dionex HPLC:  UltiMate 3000

  • NCP-3200RS Nano/Cap Pump

  • NCS-3500RS Nano/Cap System

Hardware Options


  • A continuous direct flow (splitless) HPG pump ("NC pump")

  • supported flowmeter types: Classic and ProFlow (ProFlow only supported with firmware version 1.40 or later.)


  • a continuous direct flow (splitless) HPG pump ("NC pump")

  • supported flowmeter types Classic and ProFlow (ProFlow only supported with firmware version 1.40 or later.)

  • a ternary LPG micropump ("loading pump")

  • a heated column compartment including up to two switching valves and chip card reader for up to four columns

  • Note:

    Electronic chip card reading requires firmware version 1.11 or higher.

For information about the available configurations, refer to the operating instructions for the NCP/NCS.


Defining of gradient curves for the Nano flow is only supported with firmware version 1.32 or later.

Backward Compatibility

ProFlow Flowmeters

NC pumps equipped with ProFlow flowmeters are supported by Chromeleon 6 versions starting with 6.80 SR15b. NCS or NCP driver configurations created with Chromeleon versions before 6.80 SR15b, however, cannot immediately control a ProFlow flowmeter after an upgrade to Chromeleon 6.80 SR15b. To control an NC pump with ProFlow flowmeter, remove the old NCS or NCP driver instance from your timebase and then re-install the driver in Chromeleon 6.80 SR15b or later.


What is required?


Timebase Class 1


A free USB port and the following cables are required:

  • USB cable (Dionex part no. 6911.0002) to connect the NCS/NCP to the server PC via the USB port

  • Optional: 6-pin Mini-DIN signal cable (5m; Dionex part no. 6000.1004) to connect devices to the Digital I/O Ports on the rear of the NCS/NCP

  • Optional: 15-pin D-Sub cable to connect an SRD-3x00 Solvent Rack to the pump (The cable, Dionex part no. 6000.1006, is included in the SRD ship kit.)

Control Panel:

To control the instrument, use

  • Panel tabsets (refer to How to:  Controlling Devices from the Panel Tabset)


  • A suitable panel from the
    Dionex Templates\Panels\Dionex_LC
    folder in the Browser


Hardware Installation

Device Connection:

First, install the Chromeleon software, and then connect the instrument to the USB port on the Chromeleon server PC.  

Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends interconnecting all modules of an UltiMate 3000 system, and then connecting the system to the Chromeleon server PC via only one connection. For more information about how to connect the system modules, refer to the operating instructions for the NCS/NCP or the RSLCnano system manual.

Also refer to Connecting Dionex Devices via USB.


Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends using the USB ports for connections to Thermo Scientific Dionex instruments only. Thermo Fisher Scientific cannot guarantee correct functioning if instruments from other manufacturers are connected.

Solvent Rack

If the UltiMate 3000 system includes an SRD-3x00 Solvent Rack connect the Solvent Rack port on the rear of the NCS/NCP with the related port on the rear of the Solvent Rack, using the connection cable provided with the SRD accessory kit.


Software Installation

  1. In the Chromeleon Server Configuration, add the driver to a timebase. For details, see Adding, Configuring or Deleting Devices. After you add the driver, the configuration dialog opens automatically.

  2. On each configuration tab page, select the desired settings. For information about the settings on a page, click Help or press F1.


After a software upgrade from CM 6.80 SR9 to a higher Chromeleon version, existing NCS-3500RS drivers may display the following default column name on tab page Columns (NCS-3500RS-System): Column1...Column4. This name, however, is inconsistent with the column names used on the Dionex default panel or panel tabset for the NCS-3500RS (ColumnA...ColumnD). As a result, an error message in the Chromeleon Client software may occur.

To avoid errors caused by inconsistent names, it is recommended to change the column name on the Columns tab page in the Server Configuration to ColumnA...ColumnD.

Further Information

For detailed installation instructions, refer to the operating instructions for the instrument.

For troubleshooting information, refer to Troubleshooting for USB and TCP/IP Connections.

For an overview of the different Dionex devices, refer to  Installing Dionex Devices.